воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

christian album releases

So here I am once more upon LJ. A new name, a new place. Iapos;ve undergone so many changes over the past year. I am learning more of what it is I truly am. For one, I am pagan. I am a witch. I am learning and changing though I am keeping this secret from my family. My friends and most particularly my boyfriend are supporting me along my path and that means a lot. I am applying over the next two weeks to jobs within the government in Denver/Aurora CO. I hope to be out there by the middle of next month and have Tay there with me by Yule. Then I hope to have Drea, Tj, Jarid, and Winston there with us by April. Making plans to go to Metrocon apos;09. Already have two hotel rooms reserved. Need to order the tickets in Nov so we can get VIP tickets and seating at the chess match and entry to the Ball. I donapos;t have quite so much to say yet.

Tabby, Sara, Luci... If you happen to read this I wish to whole heartedly let the three of you know I am sorry for any wrongs I have done to you. I seek to mend the bridge and open communication with us once more. I accept you as who you are. I am no longer bound by the beliefs I once was and have opened myself up to the Lady and the Lord.
christian album releases, christian album reviews, christian album sales.

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